Angela Nasulea

Invatati engleza cu Angela Nasulea

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/ 10 raspunsuri corecte

Raspunsurile corecte la intrebarile pe care le-ati gresit erau:
IntrebareaRaspunsul corect
I don't recommend you cross the stream where I'm staying. What am I?    crocodile
The pack is my family. We take care of each other and hunt together. What am I?    wolf
It's true I move very slowly but why rush when you can live for hundreds of years?    turtle
I can pull a cart all the way home faster than you can say "station wagon"! What am I?    horse
So what can I do if I'm a bird who likes to chat. We've got freedom of speech after all, haven't we?    parrot
I run through the savannah in leaps and bounds. What am I?    antelope
My feather's are this pink only because of the food I eat. What am I?    flamingo
I really don't mind cold weather. I'm used to it since I live so far up north. What am I?    polar bear
I could hop around looking for carrots all day long. What am I?    rabbit
I'm a big spider with a nasty bite. Don't touch me if you see me.    tarantula

Angela Nasulea - Engleza in jocuri hazlii pentru mii de copii !
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