Angela Nasulea

Invatati engleza cu Angela Nasulea

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/ 10 raspunsuri corecte

Raspunsurile corecte la intrebarile pe care le-ati gresit erau:
IntrebareaRaspunsul corect
Most animals have horns on their heads. I carry mine on my nose. What am I?    rhino
I don't mind taking long walks in the dark forest but my favourite pastime is grazing in a sunny clearing. What am I?    deer
You see me swimming on the lake all day long but I also fly for great distances. What am I?    swan
I make a cute and furry pet. Just keep the cat away from me so it doesn't mistake me for a mouse.    hamster
I don't recommend you cross the stream where I'm staying. What am I?    crocodile
I'm one of the most beautiful insects you'll see on this planet. What am I?    butterfly
I don't mind catching mice around the house. It's just that I prefer eating and sleeping.    cat
You can take me as far as you wish. I'll still find my way home. What am I?    pigeon
I am the king of the jungle!    lion
I'm a big spider with a nasty bite. Don't touch me if you see me.    tarantula

Angela Nasulea - Engleza in jocuri hazlii pentru mii de copii !
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