Angela Nasulea

Invatati engleza cu Angela Nasulea

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5 / 10 raspunsuri corecte

Raspunsurile corecte la intrebarile pe care le-ati gresit erau:
IntrebareaRaspunsul corect
I'm one of the prettiest small birds around and I like to sing from dusk till dawn. What am I?    robin
You'll have a hard time finding another bird with a tail as beautiful as mine. What am I?    peacock
The pack is my family. We take care of each other and hunt together. What am I?    wolf
You can take me as far as you wish. I'll still find my way home. What am I?    pigeon
I am the heaviest land mammal on Earth. What am I?    elephant

Angela Nasulea - Engleza in jocuri hazlii pentru mii de copii !
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